Kitchen Scramble 2: World Cook

Kitchen Scramble 2 is a cooking sim/management game for iOS and Android. It is a sequel of an old Facebook cooking game.

I art directed the project from pre-production through to release, including several live operations updates. I handled art direction, developing the art pipeline from creation, to implementation and optimization in Unity, creating many of the character, appliance, and background art in the game, as well as much of the UI animation and visual effects.

Additional art by Shannon Conrad, Danielle Magpayo, and Patricia Kelen Takahashi.

Splash Screen Art

Logo, and food art by Shannon Conrad

Character designs by Patricia Kelen Takahashi.

Splash Screen Art

Logo, and food art by Shannon Conrad

Character designs by Patricia Kelen Takahashi.

Promo video for the game showing off gameplay

Kitchen Gameplay Screenshot

Each world had a unique kitchen background, set of customers, appliances, map, truck,and food items.

Kitchen and appliance art by me. Food and customers by me and Danielle Magpayo. UI by Shannon Conrad.

Kitchen Gameplay Screenshot

Each world had a unique kitchen background, set of customers, appliances, map, truck,and food items.

Kitchen and appliance art by me. Food and customers by me and Danielle Magpayo. UI by Shannon Conrad.

World maps for worlds 2 and 5.

Each world had a unique world background alongside a node level path. The worlds featured thematic buildings, customers, and trucks.

World art by me. Left-side truck design by Patricia Kelen Takahashi. UI by Shannon Conrad

World maps for worlds 2 and 5.

Each world had a unique world background alongside a node level path. The worlds featured thematic buildings, customers, and trucks.

World art by me. Left-side truck design by Patricia Kelen Takahashi. UI by Shannon Conrad

Appliance Art

Appliances each have three upgrade levels. The assets are created in Photoshop, then rigged and animated in Spine, with additional particle effects added in Unity.

Appliance Art

Appliances each have three upgrade levels. The assets are created in Photoshop, then rigged and animated in Spine, with additional particle effects added in Unity.

Appliance animations in Unity.
Appliances were rigged and animated in Spine, with additional particle effects added in Unity.

Appliance animations in Unity.
Appliances were rigged and animated in Spine, with additional particle effects added in Unity.

World Select Logos

Each world was themed after a different cuisine and had a corresponding food truck associated with it. The world select trucks were standalone illustrations showing off the trucks and food of that specific world.

Truck art by me.

World Select Logos

Each world was themed after a different cuisine and had a corresponding food truck associated with it. The world select trucks were standalone illustrations showing off the trucks and food of that specific world.

Truck art by me.

Customer Concepts + Final Art

Each world had a number of customers with a range of expressive animations. Concepts created in Photoshop, final art assets in Illustrator

Customer Concepts + Final Art

Each world had a number of customers with a range of expressive animations. Concepts created in Photoshop, final art assets in Illustrator

Customer animations showing an idle fidget, a sad animation, and a happy animation.

Characters were rigged and animated in Spine to have a variety of expressions based on gameplay requirements.

Customer animations showing an idle fidget, a sad animation, and a happy animation.

Characters were rigged and animated in Spine to have a variety of expressions based on gameplay requirements.

Map people are smaller versions of customers that can be seen moving around the world map. They are animated in Spine with a shared rig with special constraints for different heights, body types, and accessories.

Map people are smaller versions of customers that can be seen moving around the world map. They are animated in Spine with a shared rig with special constraints for different heights, body types, and accessories.

Map upgrade unlock animation
Player progress is indicated with new trucks visually becoming revealed with fanfare on the map. Animated in Unity with added particle effects.

UI & Node art by Shannon Conrad. World art and truck animation by me.

Map upgrade unlock animation
Player progress is indicated with new trucks visually becoming revealed with fanfare on the map. Animated in Unity with added particle effects.

UI & Node art by Shannon Conrad. World art and truck animation by me.

Powerups all have activation animations that can loop in UI buttons or be played when activated during gameplay.
Animated in Unity with added particle effects.

Powerup design by Shannon Conrad, animation by me.

Powerups all have activation animations that can loop in UI buttons or be played when activated during gameplay.
Animated in Unity with added particle effects.

Powerup design by Shannon Conrad, animation by me.

Upgrade Delivery Animation
Animation, visual effects, and UI for deliveries of kitchen upgrades. Character animated in Spine, rest of the animations and effects are in Unity.

UI art by Shannon Conrad, animation by me

Upgrade Delivery Animation
Animation, visual effects, and UI for deliveries of kitchen upgrades. Character animated in Spine, rest of the animations and effects are in Unity.

UI art by Shannon Conrad, animation by me